- Details
- Written by Super User Super User
- Category: Documentation Documentation
- Published: 16 October 2012 16 October 2012
- Last Updated: 28 January 2014 28 January 2014
- Created: 16 October 2012 16 October 2012
- Hits: 40445 40445
On this page you will see all of the module styles available, including different menu module options and horizontal nav options.
All of the displayed styles are achieved using either a Module Class Suffix, a Menu Class Suffix, a combination of the two, or no suffixes at all.
Notes are provided under each module to display which suffixes have been used.
Module Class Suffix
The module itself will gain styles based on the Module Class Suffix, which is added in the module's parameters as seen in the screenshot below:
Menu Class Suffix
Menus can be styled with the use of a Menu Class Suffix added to the menu module's parameters as seen below:
Menu and Module Class Suffixes must be proceeded by an empty space. If no space is left before the suffix you will not get the desired formatting results.Horizontal Menus
Also horizontal menus can be easily created in any position, by adding Menu and Module Class Suffixes to the menu module.
Examples below: